Well…this one started to bubble after I read George Will’s column this morning where he goes on and on about the lack of self-control in the American populace and the fact that we supposedly lie to ourselves about everything….and this constant lack of self control is what is ruining the country. But, lies, obfuscation, and this lack of self control is only a problem when it is coming from individuals; when it is coming from the repub party; and it’s lies are for a political purpose, everything is just fine. Didn’t we hear this nonsense the last time the repubs were in power? That deficits don’t matter, that we can cut taxes and increase spending without any consequences? Now, they are treating facts as opinion again…calling the 230 billion dollar savings from the healthcare law (that was calculated by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office) just the “opinion” of the office…as if accounting principles now are like faith instead of math. They just loved the CBO when the numbers came up in their favor…but when the facts get in the way of their agenda, they are all too quick to discard them as partisan…think back to the Iraq war….reminds me of the lyrics to “Rocky Mountain Way” by Joe Walsh….”he’s tellin us this, he’s tellin us that, changes it every day, says it doesn’t matter….bases are loaded and Casey’s at bat, time to change the batter…”
I just want everyone to remember where “faith based” accounting led us the last time these guys were in power….two wars that were “off book” and not paid for…huge surpluses that were turned into the largest deficits in the history of the country….and a complete disdain for the truth that was not spun by their lies….fasten the seatbelts, here we go again…geez….