Well…damn, it’s dark in here….it’s almost 10 and I still need to have the lamp on here in the living room…and yes, I only have one lamp…after all, it’s all I need…I’m not sure how I’m going to deal with not being able to get on the bike today…it’s starting to get a little old with the lockdown still going on for a few more weeks and I didn’t realize how much the bike rides every day were keeping me from being so bored that time seems to stop…I did get some chicken in a marinade that I am going to make for lunch and read a bunch of news but what am I going to do for the rest of the day? Man, I used to be much better at doing nothing than I am now and I wonder why that would be? I really don’t have a lot left to do on the house…on the inside anyway….and I’m not sure why I haven’t finished that…could it be the depression coming back? I think I may be getting a little concerned that I’m going to have to move back into an apartment with the housing market frozen and just a little more than 7 months til I have to be out of here….Okay…need to prep the carrots and potatoes that I am going to make for lunch and I need to stop thinking….but that is going to be hard….more later…maybe…