This is beyond stupid…

Well….cripes, how much more stupid does the idiot trump have to get before someone has the guts to stand up to him on the repub side? Yesterday, when idiot boy was touring a plant in Pennsylvania that makes masks and other PPE, and of course trump wouldn’t wear one since it will smear the orange makeup he uses, he made a comment about testing that was just so damn stupid, even for him, that all I can do is shake my head. During his comments, he said this: “…if there was no coronavirus testing, there would be fewer cases of the virus…”  Let that one sink in for a minute…trump thinks that if you just stop testing, all of the virus will go away….and I’m sure that he made the leap to that stupidity because someone told him that recognized cases are going up because there is more testing happening….so, in his Adderal addled brain the testing is the CAUSE of the virus spread so stop testing and everything is just going to be fine. Now, hmmmm…I wonder if that works for other diseases, too…stop testing for cancer and you won’t get it….stop testing for diabetes and there will be less of it…yeah, you get my drift…come on repubs…the 25th amendment was made for exactly this situation…trump was never able to do his job with his abject stupidity…but the deterioration in even the past year is so damn clear that leaving him in place is a danger to this country…and there are already 90,000 dead that show that danger….can we last another 8 months? Who knows?

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