I promised a political one…

Well…you know, I should probably not promise to do one or more of these a day since I normally have to have a topic strike me and get me a little outraged before I can achieve whatever small amount of lucidity I can…but there was one thing that just made me shake my head this morning when I read about another firing of an inspector general by the idiot trump…I think that makes 6 of them for idiot boy in the most “transparent” administration in history…and the reasons given were just the same old bullshit that trump had “lost confidence” in this one…just like the other 5…but just today the real reason came out for Steve Linick being fired…I wonder who he was investigating? Oh, yeah, that’s right, Mike Pompeo for using government employees to run personal errands for he and his wife….and guess who “urged” trump to fire Linick? Yep, Pompeo….the swamp gets deeper every damn day when these folks even breathe…so now it’s perfectly fine with the repubs for the people under investigation to be able to just make a phone call and then poof, the investigation of their unethical bullshit just goes away….and a lifetime government employee loses his job just for doing it. Okay, do you need even more of a reason to get out to vote this fall? There it is….cripes…

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