Well…damn, it’s a bitch living in a body that’s wearing out….the damn gout came back yesterday and I know I did it to myself with all of the double rides and work on the house…just like the last time…so now I know I need to drink gallons of water over the next few days and cut back on the bike rides…I was going to try a new schedule anyway with having three days of doubles and then a day of only one ride to see if I can make the pain go away and stop hobbling around here….the trail was flooded yesterday in two places but I discovered a new trail that got me to the 15 miles I needed and I am going to use that one for the next week or so until the water goes down…need to try to figure out how to add that one in to the normal rides…it is cool that I can change it up a little now and still get my miles in….I wonder if I can take a day off in the near future and just heal up? The thought came to me on the bike yesterday that maybe I’m doing more damage to myself than I’m helping with all of the rides as I age but I just can’t be one of those people who sits and does nothing….I think I need to do some research on that and maybe start to tailor my nutrition to what I want to do….there has got to be a way to keep going….not much to do today….I am going to do at least one ride today and I want to start to paint the trim on the front of the house that I scraped the paint off yesterday but with my foot hurting, climbing the ladder is a bit much…and there is a race on at noon that I may just watch instead…and I do need to cook some chicken today since all of the leftovers are gone…at least I get to have cocktails tonight….more later…