This makes me smile…

Well…damn, it’s been another busy day with running since about 7 but I did want to make a short comment on the happenings going on with the idiot boy and his collapsing in the polls…cripes, I would love to be inside the WH when the moron in chief is fed this new information…or they may not even tell him since his campaign manager made up some fake poll numbers when trump blew up about the real ones last week…okay, buried the lede there, huh? Okay, the new polls put Biden up on trump by 54% to 41% nationally and idiot boy’s approvals at the lowest of his *presidency at 38%….and in every swing state that trump stole, he is behind by at least 8 points and by 12 here in Michigan….and those polls were done before trump’s attack on peaceful protesters and his turning the WH into a armed camp with new fencing that keeps people blocks away….and just the past couple of days we have many, many repubs turning their backs on idiot boy and saying they won’t support or vote for him…gee, being a huge asshole who is shredding the constitution is not a good case for re-election I guess….now, the last thing I want our side to do is get complacent and give the asshole in chief a chance to win…but I think we can take one day to enjoy the fact that we’re not behind and it’s probable now that we can take back the senate, too….but, just one day…then we need to make sure we all vote and get rid of the tumor in the WH….

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