No more hero worship…

Well…if you’ve been here before…okay, quite a bit before, you could have read my earlier posts on the fetishistic worship that this country has been giving police and military since the 9/11 attacks…all of this thank you for your service bullshit and elevating just normal Americans into the superheroes that they now believe they are is part of the cause of the contempt both the military and police show for ordinary citizens who are expressing their rights under the constitution. The death of George Floyd and the subsequent huge protests against police brutality and the daily pictures of the military brought in to attack American citizens has finally started inject some reality into how we all look at these folks and is knocking them off their pedestals…pedestals in the eyes of whites anyway…black and brown people in this country always knew what the reality was…that most of the police forces in this country are infested with white supremacists who live to try to take this country back to Jim Crow and put everyone who is not white in “their place” with violence and racial profiling. All of this hero worship only serves to separate both the police and military from the society they take an oath to protect…and immediately makes the people an enemy that needs to be controlled and not their bosses who deserve respect and protection….maybe these protests will finally throw the pedestals in the ocean and then we can go about reforming how policing is done in this country…starting with confiscating every piece of military hardware police have been given over the past 30 years…and removing the star wars storm trooper outfits that the police seem to just love…no more vests, helmets, and gloves that they use to intimidate everyone and every police wears a name tag and camera that is on at all times and it is a firing offense if it is turned off…and no more immunity from the laws of this country like the Minnesota cops that went on a rampage and slashed the tires of hundreds of cars just to show who is “boss” in Minneapolis…and if the cops strike to again show they are above the law, then we dissolve the departments and start from scratch with modern policing that focuses on helping people instead of killing them…no more hero worship..after all, they are not heroes and they have been showing that since before the protests began…

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