Well….as many reports have revealed, police forces across this country are infested with white supremacists who have sympathy and connections to the facsist, white supremacist gangs like the proud boys and others…and this causes many problems in how these forces see and deal with demonstrations…just yesterday in DC, these right wing fascists started rioting and attacking peaceful protestors and what was the police response? “Oh, please boys…please stop”…as they proud boys stabbed 4 people and beat many others….I wonder what the response would have been if these would have been peaceful BLM protestors. Yeah, we really don’t need to speculate…we’ve seen the police wade into those peaceful protests and beat protestors just like the proud boys did last night…and as we saw in Milwaukee, where gun toting assholes were causing trouble, the police actually handed out water to them and asked if they were okay….as they beat any other protestors. To restore the trust in police that has been shredded by this white supremacy infestation, we need to purge every damn police force in this country from this cancer…from the sheriffs who refuse to carry out the laws they don’t like and foment hate, to the officers who look out for the proud boys, every damn one of them need to be investigated and fired or trust can never be restored….I hope this is one of the things that Joe takes on when he is sworn in…I know his plate is going to be overflowing cleaning up after the idiot boy and his minions, but this needs to be done so the police really are there to protect and to serve…everyone…
Tag Archives: police
We are going to have to purge every police department…
Well…not sure if you saw the footage the other day of the police in Kenosha attacking protesters there….and this has been going on for days but you know one group they aren’t attacking? The gun toting right wing assholes who have killed at least three people over the past few days…and what was the reaction of the cops to this? Yep, you guessed it…they asked these thugs if there was anything they needed, gave them water, and told them to keep up what they are doing….keep up what they’re doing? Like attacking protesters from the windows of their trucks with pepper spray? Like running protesters down with their cars? Like coming from other states to murder peaceful protesters? This kind of behavior from the police just reveals the deep seated racist rot that infest police departments across this country…in every damn state we see them teaming up with violent right wing assholes or ignoring their crimes to beat and kill peaceful protesters. The only solution for this rot is to purge every damn one of these racist assholes from every police department across this country and get rid of “qualified immunity” that allows the police to get away with their crimes and keep them from being held accountable…until this happens, there will only be more murder and more riots instigated by these fascists as the police stand by and root them on….
No more hero worship…
Well…if you’ve been here before…okay, quite a bit before, you could have read my earlier posts on the fetishistic worship that this country has been giving police and military since the 9/11 attacks…all of this thank you for your service bullshit and elevating just normal Americans into the superheroes that they now believe they are is part of the cause of the contempt both the military and police show for ordinary citizens who are expressing their rights under the constitution. The death of George Floyd and the subsequent huge protests against police brutality and the daily pictures of the military brought in to attack American citizens has finally started inject some reality into how we all look at these folks and is knocking them off their pedestals…pedestals in the eyes of whites anyway…black and brown people in this country always knew what the reality was…that most of the police forces in this country are infested with white supremacists who live to try to take this country back to Jim Crow and put everyone who is not white in “their place” with violence and racial profiling. All of this hero worship only serves to separate both the police and military from the society they take an oath to protect…and immediately makes the people an enemy that needs to be controlled and not their bosses who deserve respect and protection….maybe these protests will finally throw the pedestals in the ocean and then we can go about reforming how policing is done in this country…starting with confiscating every piece of military hardware police have been given over the past 30 years…and removing the star wars storm trooper outfits that the police seem to just love…no more vests, helmets, and gloves that they use to intimidate everyone and every police wears a name tag and camera that is on at all times and it is a firing offense if it is turned off…and no more immunity from the laws of this country like the Minnesota cops that went on a rampage and slashed the tires of hundreds of cars just to show who is “boss” in Minneapolis…and if the cops strike to again show they are above the law, then we dissolve the departments and start from scratch with modern policing that focuses on helping people instead of killing them…no more hero worship..after all, they are not heroes and they have been showing that since before the protests began…
Whiny cops….
Well…this one just popped into my head a few minutes ago so I thought I say something about it…after reading about all of the cops bitching and whining that no one respects them anymore and of the NY cops playing the silly game of turning their backs on the mayor at a funeral, I think the cops have become a bunch of whiny kids that are throwing tantrums because people aren’t kissing their butts every time they are on the streets. I wrote a piece a few years back on the hero worship that cops and firefighters got after 9/11 and this is the logical backlash…it’s like a kid being told that he’s the most terrific person in the world all of his life and then real life intrudes with the truth and he can’t handle it…he’s confused that he’s not the best at everything or that he has to earn respect in the real world…that is just what these cops are to me…spoiled, whiny little brats that throw fits if they don’t get their way…so, let’s get to the reality…that there are good cops out there but many of them are entitled pricks who think just because they wear a badge the law doesn’t apply to them…this has got to end….
Police whining….
Well…I had a good laugh this morning when I read about the response of many police departments to the protests against police killings and brutality towards minorities when they whine that they are all being tarred with a broad brush and their little feelings are hurt that people think they are the problem when they abuse everyone they come into contact with…other than old white guys. My response to that is “stop killing and abusing minorities” maybe then you will have a better image in your communities. I know, not all cops are bad ones but they all lie to protect other officers, they all use too much force and use force as a first resort instead of a last….and way too many of them ARE racists who never think their job is to protect and to serve but that they are in a war zone and that any force they decide to use is justified….I also don’t think that it is the citizens job to know how to interact with police to ensure they don’t get killed…not getting killed should be the default setting in these interactions…it has gotten so bad that a great majority of the population will not call 911 for help since they fear that when the police arrive it won’t be to help…but will cause even more damage….so, yes police…you do have a problem…and it is your problem not the citizens of this country…you need to reform your practices and how you view your jobs and you need to stop killing unarmed people…that would be a good start…geez…
This is just sick…
Well…with the murder in Ferguson and the many others across this country where unarmed black men are killed by the police, I found this latest video that I saw a few days back just sick….a drunk, old, white guy is pointing his AR-15 at the cops and can you guess what happened? Well…he certainly didn’t get shot, that’s for sure…you hear the cops saying to the guy “…sir, could you please put the gun down..” and ‘why are you mad at us?” After many other “sirs” and “please”…the guy puts the gun down and the cops arrest him….but the charges were dropped the next week since he said he was sorry….I kid you not…a black kid with his hands up gets killed…a black kid with his hands cuffed behind his back “shoots himself” in the chest…but this white guy is treated like a king and even given his gun back after pointing it at the cops and threatening to kill them….this crap is just sick…and, it IS racist….no other way to say it…geez…
More Ferguson…
Well…the updates that are coming out of Ferguson on the grand jury that is supposed to be determining the “facts” of the shooting there do not sound good…the person that is presenting the information is the DA who has come out already and said that the officer is innocent without knowing the facts….and who has criticized the governor for doing anything to change the situation and rein in the cops who have been terrorizing the populace….this can lead to no good when an unarmed man with his hands up is executed by police and then city sponsored coverups and smears begin almost immediately. I fear for this city if no one is held to account for this murder…geez….
This is sick…
Well…have been reading of the cop responses to the shooting in Ferguson and they are just sick to say the least..one, from LA, just said “do exactly what I say, how and when I say it and you will be okay…don’t talk back to me, don’t tell me you have constitutional rights…don’t say anything…it is up to you if I hurt you or not…” does anyone else see a pattern here? This is just what spouse abusers say to justify their illegal use of force…”she made me beat here since she wouldn’t do what I say…” So, now any time you come into contact with a cop you have no constitutional rights? Or only the ones that the cop sees fit to grant you? That’s not how it works assholes….we have rights that supercede your assholeness…you don’t get to tell us what rights we have…we have the right to not interact with you if we want and that right has been upheld by the supreme court….these sick assholes need to be retrained at the least or fired….I hope this country is finally had enough of this above the law police thuggery…I sure have….geez…
Ferguson cops have got to go…
Well….have been reading about last night’s events in Ferguson and all I can do is shake my head….I mean threatening a reporter with a drawn gun telling him he will shoot him unless he stops recording the lawlessness of the cops….not sure but that sounds like felonious assault to me…and then the firing of tear gas into the crowds before the curfew when they were peacefully protesting…again…felonious assault and these guys need to go. The governor needs to go in, suspend the entire force and prosecute the officers who have been pointing automatic weapons at citizens expressing the 1st amendment rights of free assembly, who have fired tear gas at reporters and then dismantled their equipment, who have abused reporters and arrested them for doing their jobs and who have fired tear gas at people who were just standing in their yards talking….every one of these officers need to be fired today, not tomorrow, not after an investigation, but now since they have shown that they don’t give a damn about the constitution and the rights that are inherent to the people…these rights are not granted by the cops as they seem to think they are…geez…
I predicted this…
Well… with the events of this week in Ferguson, the only thing I can think of is my warning of the increased militarization of the police in this country and the results of that militarization…that the police have started to look at the populace they are supposed to protect and serve as the enemy to be afraid of as if they are in a war zone. To see these police point assault weapons at people who are conducting perfectly legal protests of the killing of an unarmed teenager and then attack them with tear gas when they are breaking no law should be prosecutable and those in charge should go to jail for depriving these folks of their constitutional rights. Why are these cops so afraid of everyone? Some of the most pertinent comments about this nonsense have come from military men who have been in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan and who have said that these police officers are more armed than the army when they went into Falluja or other hot spots in the Mideast….I think it’s about time to recall all of the militay weaponry that has been give to police forces across this country and re-task them to what they are supposed to be…the protectors of the people, not the killers of them…geez…