Purge the police….

Well….as many reports have revealed, police forces across this country are infested with white supremacists who have sympathy and connections to the facsist, white supremacist gangs like the proud boys and others…and this causes many problems in how these forces see and deal with demonstrations…just yesterday in DC, these right wing fascists started rioting and attacking peaceful protestors and what was the police response? “Oh, please boys…please stop”…as they proud boys stabbed 4 people and beat many others….I wonder what the response would have been if these would have been peaceful BLM protestors. Yeah, we really don’t need to speculate…we’ve seen the police wade into those peaceful protests and beat protestors just like the proud boys did last night…and as we saw in Milwaukee, where gun toting assholes  were causing trouble, the police actually handed out water to them and asked if they were okay….as they beat any other protestors. To restore the trust in police that has been shredded by this white supremacy infestation, we need to purge every damn police force in this country from this cancer…from the sheriffs who refuse to carry out the laws they don’t like and foment hate, to the officers who look out for the proud boys, every damn one of them need to be investigated and fired or trust can never be restored….I hope this is one of the things that Joe takes on when he is sworn in…I know his plate is going to be overflowing cleaning up after the idiot boy and his minions, but this needs to be done so the police really are there to protect and to serve…everyone…

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