Well…I had a good laugh this morning when I read about the response of many police departments to the protests against police killings and brutality towards minorities when they whine that they are all being tarred with a broad brush and their little feelings are hurt that people think they are the problem when they abuse everyone they come into contact with…other than old white guys. My response to that is “stop killing and abusing minorities” maybe then you will have a better image in your communities. I know, not all cops are bad ones but they all lie to protect other officers, they all use too much force and use force as a first resort instead of a last….and way too many of them ARE racists who never think their job is to protect and to serve but that they are in a war zone and that any force they decide to use is justified….I also don’t think that it is the citizens job to know how to interact with police to ensure they don’t get killed…not getting killed should be the default setting in these interactions…it has gotten so bad that a great majority of the population will not call 911 for help since they fear that when the police arrive it won’t be to help…but will cause even more damage….so, yes police…you do have a problem…and it is your problem not the citizens of this country…you need to reform your practices and how you view your jobs and you need to stop killing unarmed people…that would be a good start…geez…