Well… with the events of this week in Ferguson, the only thing I can think of is my warning of the increased militarization of the police in this country and the results of that militarization…that the police have started to look at the populace they are supposed to protect and serve as the enemy to be afraid of as if they are in a war zone. To see these police point assault weapons at people who are conducting perfectly legal protests of the killing of an unarmed teenager and then attack them with tear gas when they are breaking no law should be prosecutable and those in charge should go to jail for depriving these folks of their constitutional rights. Why are these cops so afraid of everyone? Some of the most pertinent comments about this nonsense have come from military men who have been in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan and who have said that these police officers are more armed than the army when they went into Falluja or other hot spots in the Mideast….I think it’s about time to recall all of the militay weaponry that has been give to police forces across this country and re-task them to what they are supposed to be…the protectors of the people, not the killers of them…geez…