Well…just a few minutes ago, the supreme court delivered a landmark decision that title VII of the 1964 civil rights act applies to LGBTQ people here in the US….and that means that no one can any longer be fired just for who they are…to say that I am surprised by this ruling is an understatement, and to have both Roberts and Gorsuch join the liberal justices in making sure that all Americans have the same rights and protections under the constitution is so surprising that it has many court watchers stunned given the outright hate that trump and his idiot minions show toward this community every damn day….as I have said for years now, this is exactly the ruling that should have been handed down…how can you uphold the 14th amendment that requires equal treatment under the laws and then carve out some Americans who are just not quite as equal as the rest of us? Do you hear those heads exploding at the WH? This is not the ruling that trump and his cronies paid for when they conspired with McConnell to put Kavanaugh and Gorsuch on the court and I wonder if Both Roberts and Gorsuch see the writing on the wall that trump will be gone in 6 months and they need to start thinking of the rule of law and the damage they have done to it…especially Roberts who is cognizant of his legacy and the damage many rulings from the conservatives have done to it. Whatever the reason, if they made the right ruling even by accident it is a good day here in the US for our LBGTQ friends and family…finally, equal rights means equal rights and I can’t be more surprised they did the right thing…