Well…if you’ve heard the idiot trump over the past couple of years goin on and on that he “aced” a cognition test, something he said again in an interview with Chris Wallace on Sunday, and that it just shows he’s a “genius” and his doctors had never seen anyone do so well on the test, you all know he’s lying, right? Look, if you’ve ever seen these tests, and you have if you’ve seen your doctor and you are over 60, it is certainly not an intelligence test at all…I mean, asking “what animal is this” and you being able to answer correctly that it is an elephant is something you should have mastered at about 3 or 4 years old, and being able to draw a clock face with 5 after 10 on it is again no sign of genius….but, in the interview idiot boy went on and on that the first part of the test was easy but the last 5 questions were “really hard” and repeatedly told Wallace that he couldn’t get them all right. Okay, this is just so damn funny that idiot boy thinks any of this is hard…three of the last five questions are just laffers….count backwards from 100 by 7? Then tell us where you are…what building are you in, what city, what day of the week is it? Or repeating a string of 3 numbers given to you but backwards…and trump thinks this is really, really hard and that no one other then him could possibly get them all right. I think I’m going to get whiplash from shaking my head about this….if it wasn’t the “leader” of the country, this would be damn funny….but this is the guy with his finger on the button and in control of the world’s largest military….and that is damn scary….