Well…as you know, the idiot running his damn smoker all day and night has been driving me nuts lately and last night was the last straw…just sitting here when it started to rain and I just love opening the windows and hearing and smelling the rain…but, as soon as I opened this place up, the smell from that damn smoker filled the whole house and forced me to close everything back up again it was so bad. So this morning, I thought I’d make a little mischief and called GR’s 311 number that is used to do all kind of stuff for the city and put in a report…they guy I talked to was cool and looked up the property on his computer to make sure there was no zoning variance covering it and there wasn’t….and he told me me what I thought…you can’t run a commercial business in a residential area so they are sending him a notice of non-compliance to the city rules and then sending an inspector out next week to make sure the smoker is no longer being used….now, I hate to be that guy that bitches and complains about everything but it smells like I’m living in a frickin campfire and my bed, clothes and furniture all smell like smoke and I am tired of it….and it is getting warm again over the next week and I need to be able to open my windows….and I could even smell the smoke 3 streets to the south this morning when I was coming back here on the bike….and I have the right to not live inside a campfire….