Well…the second court action today makes me smile a lot, too, when it was announced this morning that NY AG James filed suit to dissolve the NRA due to overwhelming fraud by the officers of the nonprofit where over 60 million dollars were stolen between 2015 and 2018…how do you feel about your donations now maga NRA members? How does it feel that the only thing your money went for is lining Wayne LaPierre’s pockets? It’s been well known and documented in many news stories that the NRA was just a slush fund for grift and the repubs and even for funneling Russian money into our political campaigns…again, these are state charges which are out of reach of trump and this is the same process that shut down and dissolved idiot boy’s supposed charity a couple of years ago…so a two for one day and I think I’ll be smiling all day and waiting for the Duetche Bank shoes to drop….