Well…have been trying to figure out what to write about today and have finally come up with a topic….there were two town halls held in the presidential campaign this week and they could not have been more different…trump’s was filled with lies and lethargy as he sat on a chair looking like he wanted to be anywhere else than listening to real people with real problems hold his feet to the fire for his incompetence and stupidity. But at Biden’s, we saw what makes Joe the best person to go up against trump. Answering all the questions with details of policy and showing his trademark depth and empathy…and if you didn’t already know it, it showed he really does care for this country and the people in it…and he made sure to emphasize that he would be president for all of the people, not just those in the blue states. Watching Biden’s performance must have sent a few of trump’s cronies into shock since they have been trying so damn hard to label him as feeble minded and out of it…and sent the debate preppers into abject terror of what trump is going to face in the debates. It was so cool to see a normal America on the stage with Biden…not the “American carnage” and hate that trump spews and foments every damn day and have hope that if we elect Biden that things could start back toward normal and not live every day as if we all have PTSD. How could anyone who watched the idiot boy this week think he gives a damn about anyone but himself? That is the contrast that Biden’s campaign need to hammer on every day…and keep it up…