Well…probably the worst night’s sleep in a while….have been up and down since about 1:30 and it’s not a good start to the day…so…my energy level is quite low and I guess I’ll have to take it easy for another day..no flu chronicles today but I think I still have some of it…weird, weird dreams last night that had Helen Mirren and John Malkovich in them…they centered on Walmart selling tiny, real bunnies in happy meal containers that they had on racks throughout the store…and no one thought that was a bad thing…I told you that it was weird inside my head…I did win at pool yesterday and that was fun…made a few shots at the right time….not much to do today…have a few errands and some work to do here but I think I’m going to take it easy….I will have a comment on the SOTU and the repub response that has been predictable to say the least…