Well….I know there has been a lot of consternation with Moscowmitch trying ram Amy Barrett’s nomination through the senate before the election but there is one thing we need to remember if we take back the senate and Joe wins…we can impeach her…it has already been reported that mitch and other senators have been coordinating with her to try to hide her far right wing beliefs and the fact she is not qualified for the SC…but it has already been reported that she may have lied on the forms she submitted to get the appeals court seat where she now sits…and lying on those forms is perjury, which would disqualify her from any court…so, just because moscow mitch can ram her through, it doesn’t mean that she will stay there….once we have the senate, we can do a real investigation into both her and Kavanaugh…who it is clear did lie during his confirmation hearings. Then just impeach and remove them and have Joe appoint two more justices of whom Merrick Garland should be number one….but, they should only be removed if they clearly broke the law…not for innuendo or lies like the repubs use…the rule of law needs to be restored and this would be a great place to start to restore the authority of the court which is in tatters after moscow mitch and his cronies broke every rule to put unqualified political hacks on the court.