Well…hey, undecided voters…and even you trump supporters…this is what the idiot boy’s chief of staff said on one of the news shows this morning…that they have just given up doing anything about the virus that is killing more than 1,000 Americans a day and infecting over 80,000 a day…they are just going to wait and do nothing until there is a vaccine or other treatments…but until then? Not a damn thing…everyone is on their own and it’s perfectly acceptable to them that there will be another 150,000 dead before a vaccine is ready…how is this not manslaughter? Or reckless endangerment? How the hell can anyone be undecided when this news comes out every damn day…do you really think that trump is a better president than Joe Biden will be? I just saw a cartoon that puts the undecided voters in perspective…it has a child in a cage being asked by a woman with a cup of coffee in her hand…”who do you think I should vote for?” If you are still undecided you are one ignorant son of a bitch if you haven’t seen how atrocious idiot boy is….and if you can consider voting for trump after he has killed over 225,000 Americans by his inaction, you are dumber than a box of rocks and probably shouldn’t vote anyway…geez…