November 2nd

Well…damn…that was a bad night and I’m still coughing like crazy right now…I wonder what the trigger was this time? Was okay most of the day yesterday but then it went to hell just before I was going to bed…I am so damn tired of this crap…so, I feel pretty crappy this morning so I’m going to have to ease into it and let the painting go until later in the day…cripes, there is snow on the ground out there this morning and that is the last thing I want to see this early in the fall…but, it is going to warm up this week so it won’t stay long…will have to be careful on the bike today since there are parts that will still be icy…okay, forgot about the weird dreams I had last night…they involved a custom electric Cadillac with a cut down windshield and a removable steering wheel, stylish clothes, and someone stabbing the tires on my bike….all that in between the coughing bouts that kept me up most of the night….weirder and weirder…not much to do today…just painting and more painting but that will end it for me and I need to start cleaning this place up for the move…to where, I don’t know….more later…

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