Well…another 5:24 morning that turned into a 6:23 morning after I was a little successful in getting back to sleep but it doesn’t appear to have helped much since I still feel exhausted this morning…cripes, it’s starting to look like I’m always going to feel exhausted or crappy and I know I don’t like that much…it’s a pain in the butt to get old…oh, well….and I just turned the turkey in the brine and spilled it everywhere and that’s just what I needed first thing out of bed….but I am looking forward to cooking today and having a huge meal that will probably make me uncomfortable the rest of the day….but that comes with t-day and I don’t have much to do so I can just melt into the couch….I am going to get out on the bike this morning since it is already over 40 but I am going to wear my stocking cap since I damn near froze my ears off in the rain yesterday…everything looks like it has dried from yesterday but I need to shake the sand and grit off my wind pants in the tub since they are covered in dirt…and I should wash the bike before I go since the dirt was jamming up the shifter and I could barely get the 5-6 shift to work…but that will wait until it’s light out there and I get some coffee in me….just need to get the ride in and back here before 10 so I can get the bird done for lunch….didn’t get a pie this year since I’m not such a dessert person and I’d feel guilty letting it spoil….more later…