The pardons have started…

Well…as everyone in the entire country knew, trump would pardon everyone in his orbit since it is filled with petty and serious criminals and that started yesterday with Michael Flynn who admitted lying to the FBI twice about his contacts with the Russians that he did to undermine Obama’s foreign policy. And this pardon is like nothing anyone has seen before since it covers every crime he committed or may have committed for his entire life and anything that he could commit in the future. Yep, the ultimate “get out of jail free” card and it is just the first of many we are going to see in the next 50 days and idiot boy is already discussing blanket pardons for himself and his entire family with his lawyers but, as I keep saying, these pardons don’t do anything for the state charges they are all going to face in NY and many other states who are in the qeue with their own charges after NY charges them. One other thing that pardons do that these morons are too stupid to understand is make them guilty of the charges they are being pardoned for and then cancels their 5th amendment rights so when they are called to testify in any other trial or investigation, they have to do it and can’t hide behind self incrimination as an excuse….so, when trump pardons himself, he will be an impeached and convicted ex-president as will the rest of his criminal family…and there is even some conjecture that a pardon with corrupt intent is not even a valid pardon but that will be sorted out in the courts over the next years….I wonder why it is that only repub administrations have to even think about pardons? Yeah, that’s easy…they think the law doesn’t apply to them while they are running the place and commit crime after crime….the law and order party my ass…geez….

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