Well….as we all know, the entire 4 years of the trump “administration” has just been one big grift to line the pockets of trump and his cronies…and that is the reason that he continues to shout “voter fraud” even with his toady Barr coming out yesterday to say that the justice department has not seen any fraud that would change the outcome of the election….he needs the cash that he continues to beg for and that his deplorables continue to send him to the tune of 175 million dollars and counting. This money, that is supposed to be used to litigate the “voter fraud”, is going straight to a trump controlled super pac that you know he is going to use to finance his lifestyle and will probably use to pay off the 400 million dollars in personally guaranteed loans that are coming due in the next two years. The latest money making scheme that the criminal trump has come up with is to sell presidential pardons for contributions to this same super pac…the Washington Post reported that there is an FBI investigation going on right now and some court papers were released that show the depth of the investigation…it is heavily redacted so you don’t see who the parties involved are, but I’m sure this is just the first in another criminal conspiracy that idiot boy is at the center of…and trump is the only one who could issue a presidential pardon and we all know he spends his days trying to monetize the presidency and still believes he is above the law…but only for now…the AG of NY is just sitting there waiting with indictments that will be filed on the 20th of January at 12:01 pm….it is going to be a glorious perp walk when the entire trump crime family ends up in jail….