Well…I wonder what the hell happened to all of the deplorables who think that the idiot trump is trustworthy after telling 25,000 lies (or more) over the past few years….how sad it is that fellow Americans don’t believe scientists, experts, historians, economists, and journalists but they believe a reality tv star who has spent his whole life defrauding everyone he has come into contact with…and they think he is a beacon of truth and honesty….what the hell happened to them? As the idiot boy continues to violate state election laws by pressuring governors to throw out the results of the vote and interfere with the counts and certification, he has lost and nothing he does is going to change that…and his followers are just too stupid to stop giving him money…I think he’s raised over 200 million dollars to “challenge” the election that everyone but his deplorables know is going to end up in his pocket….I just can’t comprehend why anyone would want to live in the fake world trump has built that has hate as it’s oxygen….at least on our side we take time to help people and smile sometimes….and trump still lost the election….