Well…running almost on time this morning with getting up for good around 6 or so…but I feel like a car with a dead battery…the starter is grinding slow but not enough to start it….hmmm…that would make the coffee a battery charger or a set of jumper cables…yeah, that metaphor is a little tortured but it is still how I feel…I did wake up around 4 or so for the first time so that makes it a 400 which lots of companies made including Pontiac….had some really weird dreams that I can’t even understand so I’m not going to bore you with them…I did get some work done yesterday that I hope to finish this morning but I know it’s not going to be that easy…going to have to figure out how to adapt the new style flexible water feed lines to the soldered in compression fittings on the valves…it would be way too easy that they would just fit….what a pain….I am going to get out on the bike today no matter what since it is going to be above 40 and that will make for a nice ride after the numbing cold it’s been for the past week….and I do need to do the grocery run here in a bit but right now all I want to do is have more coffee….more later…