Well…with the eviction crisis barreling down on the country and widespread hunger accompanying it…and a relief bill sitting on idiot boy’s desk, gee, I wonder where he is? Hell, that’s one’s easy…he’s off golfing which has cost the taxpayers over 150 million dollars so far….no food for his voters but lots of golf for him…I wonder how his followers are going to feel when they are on the street because idiot boy couldn’t be bothered to do his job? The only damn thing he has been doing is pardoning left and right…letting all of his co-conspirators in the Russian election collusion go and the thing there is he told them if they just keep their mouths shut, like manafort and others did, they would get pardoned…clear obstruction of justice but the repubs are okay with that…after all, they had every chance to hold him accountable but not one of them did.The only thing we have to look forward to is more and more damage being done and I think that is idiot boy’s plan…destruction on a wide scale just for spite…and he doesn’t care who he hurts…he just gets his jollies from hurting people and revenge is now his top priority…and he doesn’t give a damn that his cult followers are going to be hurt the most by his assholery…geez…