Well…running a little late this morning with being able to roll over and go back to sleep after waking up at 4:14…and 5:24….but, I feel okay so I guess I must have slept okay….I’m still wondering when there is going to be even a little healing for my right heel…my whole foot aches from walking only on the ball and that pain is now in my knee and hip, too…it felt better late in the day yesterday and I could walk on it a little but it always gets worse overnight after not walking on it…how weird is that? Oh, well…didn’t get out on the bike yesterday and there was no reason for it other than I didn’t want to be cold…and it is only 15 out there right now so any ride today is going to happen in the afternoon…I did go down to one meal yesterday to compensate and I wonder how that is going to affect me later today….I did need to cut out the bike riding calories to try to maintain my weight and will do it again today…but I wonder if a couple of spoons of roasted potatoes and a pork chop is enough? Didn’t get anything else done but run an errand to get my mega tickets…couldn’t resist with the jackpot over 500 mil and a cash value of over 400….gave me a day to dream….more later….