Well…don’t ever let any repub lecture you on the rule of law ever again after the debacle that happened in the senate yesterday when 45 repub traitors voted to not even have a trial again for idiot boy’s second impeachment. So now I guess it’s okay to send a mob in to try to kill your senators and representatives….and your vice president and not be held accountable for it. This shouldn’t be a surprise since they didn’t hold a trial but just a vote for the idiot’s first impeachment when there was overwhelming evidence that he committed many, many crimes…but, while we probably won’t get a conviction this time, with the dems in charge of the senate there will be a trial and there will be witnesses and evidence presented and we need to expose how many of these traitors we in on the plot to overthrow the election….and to tar all of the repubs for supporting trump and letting him off both times. Cripes, I’m an old guy and I can’t remember a more craven un-American bunch than the current crop of repubs…when I was a kid, they at least had principles….but no longer…and they all need to go…