Well….not sure if you know this or not, but in many people with migraines, the headaches are preceded by what are called auras in your vision that consist of sparkly zig zag lines that look like you’re looking through broken glass…I haven’t had one of those in many years but they came back this morning while I was reading the paper…and the strange thing is that I don’t get migraine headaches, just the auras…I remember the first time it happened and it completely freaked me out…thought I was having a stroke but now that I understand them and know that they will go away in 30 minutes or so, I can look at them with a little amusement…and they don’t really mean that there is anything wrong with you…they just are and can be caused by stress or extra caffeine or any number of other causes…and I have lots of stress and caffeine today…just a little weird is all….and shoveling snow is really a trip when they are happening…but they were gone before I finished so that was cool…