Do nothing whiners…

Well…let’s just stop right now trying to equate the two political parties in this country…I’ve had enough of bothsiderism that has been the bane of our exisitence for many, many years and let’s take a look at what each party is doing right now….on the dem side, they are poised to pass one of the greatest pieces of legislation to benefit the majority of Americans that includes direct payments to 80% of the people, tax credits for children,support for state and local governments that are underwater from the pandemic and a myriad of other ways to support our economy as we dig our way out of this mess…on the repub side we only see bitching and complaining and Dr. Suess…no policy suggestions other than tax cuts for the rich and voter suppression…all ways to make this country worse, not better as the dems are trying mightily to do. On the dem side, they are working on a labor bill that would get rid of the right to work laws whose only purpose was to kill unions, and would make it easier to form a union and restrict what employers can do to hurt their workers that want a union. On the repub side…I got nothin…they don’t give a damn about workers or any other Americans so it’s just all bullshit all the time…so don’t tell me the parties are the same, ever again…geez…

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