Well…had to get this one out while I’m still seething abut it…I hope you’ve read about and have the same outrage that I have about comments made by senator Chuck Grassley yesterday about the bonuses that GM is paying out to it’s hourly and salaried workers…they are going to pay out about 400 million dollars since the company is profitable again after the trip through bankruptcy. Ole Chuck is bitching about the fact that they have only paid back about half of what they owe to the US gov’t and feels that there should be no bonuses paid until all of the loans are paid back. Oh, really Chuck? Where the hell were you when the big banks that were bailed out by the TARP program were paying out 20 times more than that in bonuses before the TARP loans were paid back? Not a fricking peep from you, Chuck, because those bonuses went to the rich and connected and just shows your underlying hatred of the middle class and the workers of this country.
Why isn’t this inconvenient fact being reported in the media? I guess it’s now our job to hold these hypocrites accountable….geez…
One last inconvenient fact….the three top guys in the banking industry got more than 400 million dollars in bonuses….that’s three guys, folks…and old Chuck is pissed because 76 thousand workers are going to share 400 million…but, as you know, he was one of the ones on the right who wanted the auto companies to just fail and go away because they have unionized workers…no matter that they are American workers in the middle class..or is it because they are middle class…