Well…damn, the repubs are looking dumber and dumber every day with their efforts across the country to suppress the votes of people they don’t want to vote…like everyone who won’t vote for them. But, I’m pretty sure they didn’t count on their reliable partners in business reacting as they have been…with over 300 more businesses pushing back on these un-American bills by condemning them in just the past day…and all of the big three automakers here in Michigan joining in and schooling them on why they are opposing them…that all people in the US have the right to vote without repub interference by the erection of barriers to any and all kinds of voting. Okay, sternly worded letters are all well and good, but what concrete steps are these businesses going to take to punish this crap? At the very least, they need to stop giving a dime to any repub…and I don’t care about the ones who sit there and whine that they had nothing to do with it…just by being repubs, they are supporting every damn law across this country and they shouldn’t get one thin dime…and all of that money should then go to dems who have proven over and over that making sure that everyone who is eligible can vote without repub interference…only then are these protestations actually doing something that the repubs will pay attention to. I guess this is a start but only a start to getting rid of every damn repub across this country…they have proven they hate this country and they need to go….