Got the mower drive fixed…

Well….after mowing the lawn on Monday and feeling like I was doing more work than my new self propelled mower, I got the owner’s manual out that my brother included and tried to see if there was any adjustments included to solve the problem…there wasn’t, so I did the next thing and just did a voice search for it and turned up a video on youtube that addressed exactly the same problem with exactly the same mower I have….so, even though I’ve been working on feeding the lawn and running errands all morning, I just had to try the fix that looked too simple to work…so, I went out and loosened the one nut that the guy showed on the video and moved the cable sheath less than a half inch to take some slack out of the cable, then started it up and tried it…damn, the thing moves now! The easiest adjustment I’ve ever made on a mower that transformed it back to like new…now, next week’s mowing is going to be a piece of cake…just hope my damn calf is healed up by then…it still hurts so much I’m limping and I’m sure it’s from my rubber garden shoes….darn…

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