Well…damn, it appears that the repubs aren’t happy unless they have a new group to hate…Muslims, African Americans, Latinos, Gays have all had their turn in the box with these assholes and now they have picked trans kids as their latest group to be attacked across the country with laws that are legislated child abuse and cross the line over into sexual abuse….and all this from the biggest damn group of hypocrites the world has ever seen and who say they are against government intrusion in people’s lives…but I guess that’s just for people like them. Why the hell is there so much hate for trans kids? First, they started with banning trans kids from sports from kindergarten through college and are still trying to force them into standard binary choices of how they were born when we now know that sometimes you are born into the wrong body and the medical literature now support that there is a myriad of types of how sex is manifested in humans….okay, I think there is a religious component to all of this hate since religion is quoted by every damn repub hater who are responsible for these hateful laws….and that is just wrong…why should it be allowed to use your religion to hate an entire class of people? The worst law in the country has just passed in Florida that requires children to submit to “inspection” of their genitals before they can go out for sports to make sure that no trans kids can participate…now, how would you feel if some “doctor” hired by a school district forced one of your kids to expose themselves for “inspection” just to go out for sports? Never in a million years would I let any of my kids suffer this degrading crap that could scar them for life…but repubs don’t care…their hate trumps everything…