Well…you know I’ve been bitching and whining about being stiff and in pain all of the time and I’m even getting tired of it…the whining that is, but I may be able to stop that now…when I was out on the bike today it dawned on me that the wind is always blowing out here and I’m going into it either out or back from the lake…and it’s not a slight breeze but a 15 mile an hour gale that stops me in my tracks when the gusts hit…and then I remembered how I felt the day after a ride into that wind in GR…I was stiff and sore but it got better after a couple of days of normal rides….but I don’t have normal rides out here when the wind is always blowing and I don’t get the recovery days to let my legs heal…so, I wonder how or if I’m going to adjust to this new normal? The strange thing is that now that I think I have it figured out, my legs don’t seem to hurt as much since it’s not a permanent condition and I’m doing it to myself just like all of the other stupid stuff I still do at my age….now I guess it’s a challenge to figure out how to cope with it without more ibuprofen….oh, one good thing today…I talked to my insurance agent and the 450 buck check they sent me is mine…the house insurance came out of my loan and they sent me a bill by mistake…so that’s found money and it will buy me my new garage door opener, ladder, push broom, hose end sprayer, weed killer, stuff to repair the top on the car, grass seed, and paint for the door frame on the garage entry door….and I’ll still have 200 bucks left for the rest of the stuff I need…maybe a grill? Who knows?