Well….damn, just looked outside here in Muskegon and it’s snowing…on the 20th of April…it’s so darn cold out there that I just skipped doing any work outside today and my furnace has been running like it’s February….so it looks like a hibernation day for me…I did get errands run this morning and then continued to clean the counters on either side of the sink that were just coated in black goo and splashes of food that took me almost 3 hours to get to the point that I can live with it….lots of razor blading and bleach cleaner that took all of the oil out of my hands and I’m still coughing from the fumes…but it looks pretty good and the shiny trim is shiny again and I can put things on it again and not cringe from it being so dirty…and I’ve been putting stuff away that had piled up from the work I’ve been doing around here…but I need to get after the rest of the things that I haven’t put away yet…but not now, going to watch some soccer and take a break…at least my legs are not as sore as they were and I was able to walk around all day with just a little limping…baby steps…