Well…I did finally drag my butt outside to get started on some work that has been staring me in the face for a couple of weeks and it wasn’t as terrible as I expected…got the weeding around the house done and my back was feeling okay so I thought I’d start on cutting the sod out for the garden but I wasn’t planning on getting the whole thing done…but, after it started to go well, I got all of that cut out in my 4×15 space….and then I used the sod that came out to patch more of the holes in the yard entry and around the garage….so, the yard is coming along and all I need is some rain to keep the grass seed that has sprouted alive and get it growing in the new places I seeded over the weekend…but, I did hurt my right thumb with all the pounding on it and that is going to hurt the rest of the day…especially since I still need to get on the bike for a ride soon…ouch…