Well…this is a little disturbing…news reports all over the internet today are giving the US the bad news that, because of the idiot repubs not getting vaccinated, the holy grail of herd immunity that would allow us get our society back to normal is just not going to happen if 30+ percent of the population refuses to get vaccinated…and that means that this damn virus and it’s variants and even new variants will be with us for “a generation” and that means that the disruption to our lives will due to spikes in infections and mutations that are sure to come is going to become permanent, along with the slow, painful deaths that come from it….and this will mean yearly vaccinations for those of us who don’t have their heads up their asses and rolling restrictions that will be re-applied whenever a new variant comes along….and all because these morons won’t get a tiny little jab in the arm. We all know that repubs are the most selfish people on the planet, but this is beyond the pale…putting people at risk of death or serious illness just because idiots like tucker and the rest of fox news are still telling them everything is about “freedumb” and they are lapping it up like the dogs they are. At least some companies have had enough of this bullshit and are requiring their employees to be vaccinated or they are out of a job…and no stupid excuse is going to work…either get the jab or leave….I wonder how the repubs will react to this? Not well, I’ll bet…