I’m a troublemaker…

Well…as you know, I have been having trouble with the constant thump, thump, thump of people playing music so damn loud that I have to put earplugs in to sit in my living room at times…even to the point of me calling in a noise complaint Sunday that the cops responded to and finally shut the music down…but that is not a long term solution to every damn house out here doing the same thing…so today, being the troublemaker that I am, I e-mailed the city manager (the guy who runs Muskegon) with the particulars of all of the noise and the fact that no one is doing anything about it and that it is ruining my quality of life out here…and, to my surprise, I got an e-mail back a few minutes ago from the manager saying he is bringing in the neighborhood officer and they will start to put together a plan to deal with the noise…now, I’ll believe it when I see it but to get back to me within an hour from his phone is pretty cool and gives me a little hope that something will be done….but, as in GR, why the hell do I always have to be the person to fix problems that affect everyone?  I guess I do have time on my hands and most other people don’t so I’ll make it my job to raise as much hell as is necessary….not going to be liked out here, that’s for sure…

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