Well…I think this is about on time for a Sunday with getting up a little before 6 and running out to get the paper…and it’s still damn cold out there at 36 degrees and I have to remember not to think about that or I’ll get depressed again..but still, 36 degrees in the second week of May? Oh, well….I did have a funny little surprise yesterday when one of the feral cat mommas that are all over the place out here strolled through my yard trailing 5 kittens behind her and seems to have taken up residence in the garage next door…pretty cute little things with colors that ranged from black to white and multicolored….and that made me smile a little….I did get out for a bike ride yesterday when I thought it was going to be a miss day as it was so damn cold all day…but, it got to 48 degrees around 4 pm so I decided to give it a try and it wasn’t too bad….and I am getting used to the wind as I talked about the other day and even going into a 15 mph headwind is tolerable now…so I will get out again this morning after the F1 race and ManU playing at 9….it was a pretty quiet day out here yesterday with just a little music that I could tolerate but I’m afraid that it was only because of the cold….but, we’ll see…I do have my fingers crossed….not much to do today….I do have to water the garden to try to keep the bean plants I planted alive and I need to go out and get some garden food and some potting soil tomorrow so I can start to transplant the tomatoes…need to put a big ball of potting soil in the holes in the garden when I do to give them a chance to survive…I did hang one of the led lights downstairs yesterday to get the plants growing more and I hope they will be ready to move by next week….but, right now I need much more coffee and to read some news to just ease into the day with soccer on in the background….more later….