A trump grand jury…

Well…yeah, doing a political one this early in the morning feels a little weird to me but I ran out of news to read as I wait for C&J to be posted over at Kos so I thought I’d talk about this little nugget that brought a smile to my face yesterday…there has been a grand jury empaneled to look at the evidence that the idiot trump is a crook and deserves to be indicted…and, while that is reason to smile, you have to remember the old saw from a prosecutor from a few years back that stated that he could “get a ham sandwich indicted” since he is the only one that presents evidence to the grand jury…that said, there has been evidence for a long time, including testimony that trump has committed bank fraud for a long, long time and now Cy Vance has the tax returns to prove it. So, I sit here with my fingers crossed that the orange menace will finally have to pay for all of his criminality…wouldn’t it be nice to see the orange menace in an orange jumpsuit? That would make my day…but it will take time…probably the end of summer….

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