Well…it’s still under 50 degrees out here so I thought I’d talk about something that is a little strange living on the coast of Lake Michigan….almost every day, there is a weather advisory out here that pops up on the weather app that I use on both my phone and tablet….back in GR, you’d get severe thunderstorm watches and warnings along with the same for tornados, but they didn’t happen every day…but out here we get some new ones that I hadn’t seen before…there are always small craft advisories for the coastline when the wind blows at all…and that is every day…but a new one came up today that made me think of doing this one….we are under a gale watch out here today for the entire coast line from South Haven to Manistee….with the possibility of steady winds of 35 mph plus that will start later in the day…and they warn people to make sure their boats are tied up properly and that any items in yards such as umbrellas and patio furniture are properly secured…now, what the heck does that mean? I can understand taking an umbrella down and putting it in the garage or basement…but how do you secure the rest of the set? Do people have tie downs like small aircraft? Back in GR, when a warning came up it was pretty serious but out here it looks like they warn about everything…I guess if I had a boat it would be of use but, if you don’t, who cares about small craft advisories? Okay, this is just an observation and I guess there are lots of people with boats out here that can use the info….just not used to this new normal yet….