Saturday morning musings….

Well….I have been going off on political topics all week and some of the posts have been a little screedish so I thought I’d change it up a bit for today and just let some thoughts flow out….and I will want to claim the invention of screedish…a brand new word…you’ve heard it here first, folks. But, on to other things…a thought hit me after lunch with T yesterday that I feel even more lonely after I meet up with people and go out….when I thought back to some of the recent outings, it appears to be pretty constant and I don’t know why. Hmmmmm…doesn’t really mean anything I guess…this was kind of triggered by hearing “Southern Cross” by CSN on Pandora this morning….maybe because it’s about love, loss, and bad choices that can stay with you throughout your life. Who Knows?

I have been struggling with getting the new novel going…I have the story kind of set but don’t have the big, grabber ending yet and it is getting frustrating….but I’ll figured this stuff out before and I know I will again….okay, “Wouldn’t it be nice” by the Beach Boys just came on…..just a great love song…it’s one of those days where my emotions are all over the map…do men have hormonal problems when they age? Sure seems like it….maybe I’ll have to change the station to Led Zeppelin….okay….someone at Pandora is reading my mind right now…”I can’t tell you why” by the Eagles just came on….do I have to put on the tin foil hat now? If they do it again, I’ll need to do something…

It’s 10:28 and this weird calmness just came over this place….and me…’s like the air is thicker and everything is muffled and slower….waiting for the next song…..okay, the Moody blues just came on so I can take the hat off….maybe that’s what they’re waiting for….yep, you know I’m a little nuts so you shouldn’t be surprised about this one..I do need to come up for air occasionally….I’ll probably do another one of these later since this one didn’t help….

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