Well…I can’t remember having a day this easy in a long time…just rode the bike once and cooked lunch and that was it….oh, I do have a downspout that is plugged up and I took the bottom of it off to see if that’s where the clog is but it wasn’t so I’ll need to get the ladder out and take it down tomorrow but it’s only 3 screws so it should be an easy job….and that makes this a really easy day…and I figured out that I don’t have to take the screen out to put the air conditioner in since the windows are double hung and the screen just pushes up so you can open the top part of the window and still have a screen there….so now all I have to do is clean the ac unit up and put it in the window….not sure what window in the bedroom I want to put it in…probably the one that is on the side of the house and not the one that opens to the porch…it has to drip the condensate somewhere and I don’t want to get my porch carpet wet….it’s a pretty light unit so putting it in should be a breeze…will probably only use it a couple of times since I really do like the heat but the humidity here by the lake is pretty high and that might make me use it more…we’ll see…now I guess I’ll start thinking about what to make for dinner…I do need to marinate some chops so I probably should do that right now….