Well….damn, I really thought that my elbow was getting better when it didn’t hurt when I got up this morning…but after just cleaning up the AC unit, I can barely lift my coffee cup again and that is just so disappointing….but, the AC unit is clean and works, but it still has some leaves in the fan that I hope will break up after it runs a while…the noise isn’t bad and will be outdoors so I think I can live with it…and this one is even modern enough that it has an led display of the temp you want it to be and it will automatically keep that temp….but it hasn’t been used in almost 10 years so I was surprised when it started to blow cold after a while….after that job, I haveĀ decision to make…the rain is going to stop in a couple of hours so I need to decide whether to get a ride in or tear the downspout apart and get the clog out of it….okay, maybe I’ll do the downspout and then get on the bike…but only if I feel like it…yep, it’s the downspout since leaving it like it is would be really annoying since the water is running over the side of the gutter and I can hear it spilling onto my front steps…so downspout it is…but first I wait for the rain to stop…