Well…damn, I feel worn out today…and I’m drinking two day old coffee since I couldn’t bring myself to throw out half a pot that I didn’t drink yesterday with working on the lawn after the first ride…I am seriously considering not working on anything today and just taking the day off other than riding….need to have some time to heal up after pushing hard all week and I think I need more time for recovery as I age…and I just don’t feel like working today…did lots of cooking yesterday with making potato salad, tacos, and burgers so I won’t have to cook again until Monday or so….I had run out of leftovers to eat and I think I took a couple of hours to restock the fridge since I didn’t have anything in the freezer for quick meals….I do need to get out to the beach in the next few days and just relax and get a swim in…I mean I live 5 minutes from the beach and I haven’t been out there to swim in two weeks? Damn, now my right shoulder hurts, too…felt it crunching when I moved it last night and it is still doing it this morning so I really do need to rest it and my elbow….so I think my body made the decision for me…rest day…not much to do today…a bike ride here in a few minutes and then I just might veg out and watch the TDF this morning before I do the second ride…..I did notice yesterday that I have tiny cukes on my cuke plants and now I’m just waiting for my peppers to bloom and everything will be producing…my garden looks better than I expected with the poor soil out here and I should have cherry tomatoes ripened in a couple of weeks…can’t wait….more later…