Well…after the repubs spent the first 6 months after the election trying to prevent dem voters from voting by almost 300 voter suppression laws, it looks like Joe is finally getting the idea that this is the most important thing to get done…part of the new emphasis I think came from the 50 dem Texas legislators who fled the state to DC to prevent the worst laws of all of them from being passed there…and who have been threatened with arrest from Texas’ governor for their actions. This afternoon, Joe is giving what is being called the most important speech of his administration and will be calling out the repubs as the un American pricks they are….and here’s the thing, they really are trying to steal the country since they have no ideas that anyone except for their rabid base likes…taxing the rich to pay for infrastructure and elder care is supported by 80% of Americans and yet that was the first thing the repubs wanted out of the infrastructure bill….and making it harder to vote is only supported by their fox news watching cult followers…where more than 65% of Americans want voting easier. So, as with the rest of us on the left, we need to keep up the pressure on every legislator to pass this voter protection legislation…or we will lose our democracy forever….geez…