Well…you know, being a female athlete looks like a pain in the butt with men running all of the sports they play….just yesterday, a story broke that the Norwegian womans beach handball team was going to be fined because they didn’t want to wear bikini bottoms when they play…preferring shorts instead since it made them more comfortable…but, that’s not good enough for the head of the Norwegian Handball federation…of course a man, who said “it’s not appropriate clothing for the activity when they are playing in the sand!” So let’s take a look at the men’s team….hmmmmm….I wonder what they are allowed to wear…you guessed it…shorts! So, I wonder when the men will be fined for wearing shorts? This is just nuts but it gets worse…an paralympian long jumper was just told that the official running briefs that she has been using for the past nine years and that Adidas have had approved for use around the world are “too short and inappropriate” and that embarrassed the hell out of her…why are woman constantly subjected to this nonsense? Why can’t these women athletes decide for themselves what to wear? Yeah, we know why….men like to see women in skimpy outfits and the heads of these federations are just a little sexist and think they know better than the athletes themselves…what the hell year is it, anyway? 1860? This crap has to stop and I’ll support any female athlete if they just boycott these sexist assholes….they are people, not objects for men’s amusement…geez…