Well…I know I talked a bit about the new Texas abortion elimination laws yesterday but I didn’t touch on the part that makes vigilantes of every citizen of Texas and allows them to sue anyone taking part in the abortion for 10,000 dollars…even a taxi driver that can’t know what the women in his or her cab is going to do…or even women that talks to their friends about having an abortion….now the right wing Taliban on the court have said that it’s all peachy keen with them to have the law go into effect right now since it is a “new and very complex law” and would take too long to study it…and this has never happened in the history of the court, they usually put it on hold until they have time to study it and judge it’s constitutionality but these 5 morons said hey, we don’t care if it’s unconstitutional…lets just let Texas try this out for a while…who cares if it infringes on the 1st amendment and many others…it’s just too complex for us to figure out. So this is why the filibuster has to go right now and we need to expand the court by at least 4 justices and Biden can pick real ones that will follow the law and the SC would no longer be the right wing heaven the repubs just love….geez…