Well….after getting a bike ride in, mowing and feeding the lawn, putting the sprinklers out, and getting most of the rest of the tomatoes picked for soup that I’m going to make wed…I took the afternoon off and just watched a show on tv…and that never happens…it seems like I always have something to do but today I just said the hell with it…did enough work this morning and needed some time off…my allergies are really, really sucking right now and that is taking a lot of energy out of me and I couldn’t stop coughing when I was mowing…so, yep…it’s pretty bad….need to figure out how to get on the roof to fix the soffit panels that fell out…can get a 12 foot piece for 20 bucks but I need to see how wide the stuff is that fell out…but my ladder is too short unless I try to climb on the little roof over my back door and then on the other roofs…I’m not going to spend a hundred bucks for a bigger ladder just for this job….we’ll see what happens….